Posts Tagged With: Wisconsin

Posted in Community, Politics
December 21, 2018

Wisconsin Republicans think they’re doing you a favor by cutting early voting

In an editorial penned by Rick Esenberg, head of the Republican “Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty,” he argues…badly…that Republicans are actually expanding early voting hours when they cut them in the raft of “lame-duck”…

Posted in Community, Politics
November 5, 2018

How to Sort Out Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight Data Leading Into the Midterm

Nate Silver is a talented man.  Talented enough that what started out as a political statistics blog,, has been bought and sold and expanded and fooled with a few times since its inception during…

Posted in Community, Politics
May 11, 2018

The Democratic Party is Three Words Away From Screwing the 2018 Elections Up

Think back to the past…the halcyon days of 2016.  Two behemoths clashed for the White House.  Donald Trump, the outsider reality TV show host promised to “build the wall,” and “drain the swamp,” and “make…

Posted in Community, Politics
April 29, 2018

On Impeachment, Trump is Playing a Card from Scott Walker’s Deck (and That Should Concern Democrats)

First off, let’s get this part set and out in the open: If Robert S. Muller III’s special counsel investigation turns up evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” such that he recommends criminal charges against…

Posted in Community, Politics
April 16, 2018

Paul Ryan’s departure is the only chance conservatism will have to reset itself

Why is the impending departure of House Speaker Paul Ryan from politics such a momentous occasion?  It has a lot to do with the type of thinking he represents, and has taken over the conservative…